When you study at Eurocentres Florence you will meet students from all over the world. You can also meet some of our students below.
Ramon Eliazith Velesco Chavez – Mexico
During my first week at Eurocentres, I saw many different things I had never seen before and also met many new friends from other countries. It was a new experience for me to learn a language like Italian in this way, it made understanding the language much easier. I have been in Florence for two months and I can say that I wouldn’t change a thing about this experience. The school, the teachers, my new friends and the city are all key factors that have made my time here so enjoyable. Thanks to Eurocentres Florence and to the teachers. Ci vediamo!
Renata M. Naspolini – Brazil
For me it was a really great experience studying at Eurocentres: an experience I will never forget. The teachers and the staff are very nice. I learnt a lot and laughed a lot too. When the lessons were more difficult, the teachers were really patient, making sure that everybody understood. Another positive thing about this experience were the friends I made, each one from a different country. They were like a family for me during the days I was in Italy. Everyone should experience some days here!
Firat Ilicali – Turkey
Hi! My name is Firat and I’m Turkish. I came to Italy to improve my Italian and to learn more about a new culture. When I arrived at Eurocentres I was a little bit worried because I thought that I would never get used to a new school; but on my first day, when I entered the classroom, I already felt at ease. I learnt new Italian vocabulary and grammar in a more detailed way. During the trips organized by Eurocentres, I saw many interesting cities and monuments. At Eurocentres the teachers are really nice and friendly. If I had to choose a school to learn Italian I would definitely choose Eurocentres!
Livia Sain – Australia
My name is Livia and I have come all the way from Australia to study Italian at Eurocentres in the beautiful city of Florence for 8 weeks. Initialy I was nervous about coming to a country where I couldn’t speak my language, but I was immediately put at easy by the friendly nature and atmosphere of the school. All of the staff and the teachers have been very kind to me and have been very approachable taking the time to help me whenever I’ve had any problems or questions.
Eurocentres Florence is a very multicultural school and I have made many new friends from all over the world. I have really enjoyed learning about the cultures of all different countries as well as continuing to learn about the Italian language and culture as well. There is no better way to learn language than to be totaly immersed in it. This has really been an invaluable experiece for me.
Jasper Snyder – UK
I studied at Eurocentres Florence for 2 months.
The course is well organized, with attention given to grammar, written expression and oral expression. Students are carefully divided into classes according to their ability. The sizes of the classes are ideal for expressing oneself comfortably and receiving guidance from the teachers, who along with the administrative staff are friendly and helpful.
The school certificates received are aligned with pan-European qualifications and should students wish to pursue a more formal qualification this is also possible via a dedicated preparatory course.
The school is located in an historic, cool building with excellent facilities and a central location close to the Ponte Vecchio.
I recommend Eurocentres Florence very highly.
Tatiana Kallmann – Colombia
Eurocentres turned out to be more than I expected. Though it was highly recommended by a friend, one still has doubts about learning a language in just a couple of weeks. Believe it or not, after two weeks in Florence I was able to sustain a conversation outside of the school and surprisingly make quite a few Italian friends. This was mind boggling to me because learning a language is often considered to be a very academic process.
My success with Italian was truly influenced by the Eurocentres staff. Their enthusiasm and passion towards the students and their experience in Italy is quite admirable. The classes are all very interactive and in less than a week you will notice that, in some way or other, they get you talking! Thanks to Eurocentres I was able to exchange ideas and share memories with people from all around the globe. The school organizes all type of events and courses, including the Opera History course which helped me a lot as a Classical Singer.
Staying with a host family was also a very enriching and exciting experience. It is an opportunity to interact with an Italian family and to learn from their lifestyle. Due to this great deal of cultural interaction and discovering, I can now return to my studies in Classical Voice with not only this beautiful language but with a personal growth that without a doubt has changed my life forever!
- Eurocentres Firenze – Livia Sain – Australia
- Eurocentres Firenze – Jasper Snyder – UK